A Little About
SEO And Leads Generation For SMEs In Singapore
This simply meant generating more high quality leads; calls and potential customers coming straight to you and your company for the services and products that you are providing without a paying a single dollar for them; that’s the power of modern day SEO.
Netcessary Advertising SEO Singapore
Are you looking for a mouthpiece for your business? To spread awareness and bring more people to know more about your company’s services or products; to improve leads and quality of contacts for a better conversion rate which in turn translate into an improved revenue for yourself and your company?
The year 2020 has thus far been no less than tumultuous for many businesses in Singapore. If you have failed to notice, this has already signaled for a time of overhauling and change in the structure of a typical business model for local companies, regardless of whether you are selling services or physical products. Brick and mortar businesses are falling left and right off the tracks; traditional advertising mediums are no longer like they used to be. The reason for all is only one: someone or something has stepped up his/her game. And this we refers to the rising power of digital marketing today.
The impending Covid-19 global pandemic has not only affected daily lives and livelihoods of many; small time businesses to medium enterprises in Singapore have not been spared as well. The natural survival instinct of business entrepreneurship forces an elevating inclination towards the need for companies in having an online presence as most have came to understand that the internet and the world wide web (www.) is more and more likely to be the future stage for business battle grounds in getting more exposure; better leads; and more deals to be closed. So how do you exactly get more exposure; and more importantly to the right people, at the right timing? Get in touch with Netcessary Advertising SEO Singapore for a concise and clear breakdown of plan to getting more sales conversions for you and your business TODAY!
The year 2020 has thus far been no less than tumultuous for many businesses in Singapore. If you have failed to notice, this has already signaled for a time of overhauling and change in the structure of a typical business model for local companies, regardless of whether you are selling services or physical products. Brick and mortar businesses are falling left and right off the tracks; traditional advertising mediums are no longer like they used to be. The reason for all is only one: someone or something has stepped up his/her game. And this we refers to the rising power of digital marketing today.
The impending Covid-19 global pandemic has not only affected daily lives and livelihoods of many; small time businesses to medium enterprises in Singapore have not been spared as well. The natural survival instinct of business entrepreneurship forces an elevating inclination towards the need for companies in having an online presence as most have came to understand that the internet and the world wide web (www.) is more and more likely to be the future stage for business battle grounds in getting more exposure; better leads; and more deals to be closed. So how do you exactly get more exposure; and more importantly to the right people, at the right timing? Get in touch with Netcessary Advertising SEO Singapore for a concise and clear breakdown of plan to getting more sales conversions for you and your business TODAY!
What Exactly Is SEO And Leads Generation?
Regardless of whether you are a owner of a small business; a medium enterprise or even a large corporation, there is only one common denominator that all businesses are interested in. That is the onset gathering of more contacts of potential customers or generation of leads, which would naturally help translate into more sales for the company. If you are in this position today where you need more sales to be happening for your company, PLEASE do not hesitate in contacting us for a FREE consultation today!
SEO, in short for search engine optimization, is simply a way of helping your customers to find you and your business easier on the internet. Let’s say for example, a potential customer goes onto Google and types in related keywords to the services or products that you are selling; if your company website does comes up on the first few pages of the search results, we would call that a SEO optimized website or a site with satisfactory SEO work done. Needless to say, the difference between appearing on the first pages and the latter pages of a search result has a real big and significant impact in terms of getting more coverage and exposure of what you are selling to your potential customers.
How This Impacts You & Your Company?
A aesthetically well-done website; with quality services and excellent products at good, if not great prices means absolutely nothing if your website remains buried at the latter pages of a search. Why do we say so? Let us run through some figures here.
There are approximately 3.5 billion online searches made everyday on Google throughout the world and it’s said to be steadily increasing at 10% each year. Bringing the numbers closer to home, up to 96% of internet searches done in Singapore are made over Google with the remaining 4% consisting of all other search engines. A complete brutal decimation of its competitors, we would say (see above table). With a 6 million strong population that is highly dependent on the internet; in fact a well documented internet penetration of up to 89% in the latest 2020 study; you can be rest assured that Singaporeans are doing their searches and findings on Google more and more each day as with the global trend.
With that, why being SEO-primed or appearing earlier on Google searches important then? Well, in all related studies made, it has never been a doubt on the leverage head-start a company has over it’s competitors when a company's website is appearing on the front of Google searches. According to MOZ, the first page of Google searches captures a whopping 70% – 90% of organic traffic clicks! Which is a dominant statistic quantified in relation to the exposure of your company to your potential Grade A customers.
You might ask, why Grade A then? Well, these customers are not random passersby or people enticed (freebies?) to have a go at your services or products; these are ready-to-buy; ready-to-spend customers whom are already looking actively for the specific type of service/product YOU are selling! This simply meant generating more high quality leads; calls and potential customers coming straight to you and your company for the services and products that you are providing without a paying a single dollar for them; that’s the power of modern day SEO.
There are approximately 3.5 billion online searches made everyday on Google throughout the world and it’s said to be steadily increasing at 10% each year. Bringing the numbers closer to home, up to 96% of internet searches done in Singapore are made over Google with the remaining 4% consisting of all other search engines. A complete brutal decimation of its competitors, we would say (see above table). With a 6 million strong population that is highly dependent on the internet; in fact a well documented internet penetration of up to 89% in the latest 2020 study; you can be rest assured that Singaporeans are doing their searches and findings on Google more and more each day as with the global trend.
With that, why being SEO-primed or appearing earlier on Google searches important then? Well, in all related studies made, it has never been a doubt on the leverage head-start a company has over it’s competitors when a company's website is appearing on the front of Google searches. According to MOZ, the first page of Google searches captures a whopping 70% – 90% of organic traffic clicks! Which is a dominant statistic quantified in relation to the exposure of your company to your potential Grade A customers.
You might ask, why Grade A then? Well, these customers are not random passersby or people enticed (freebies?) to have a go at your services or products; these are ready-to-buy; ready-to-spend customers whom are already looking actively for the specific type of service/product YOU are selling! This simply meant generating more high quality leads; calls and potential customers coming straight to you and your company for the services and products that you are providing without a paying a single dollar for them; that’s the power of modern day SEO.
The difference between appearing on the first pages and the latter pages of a search result has a real big and significant impact in terms of getting more coverage and exposure of what you are selling to your potential customers.
Netcessary Advertising SEO Singapore
We, the Tree.
We see ourselves as the tree on the hilltop. In fact, we are peculiarly the only tree on top of the hill. We provide the nicest backdrop of an dusky orangey sun-set. We draw in flocks of chirping birds just to add on some cheerful nice music. The perfect settings and conditions that we have already set up for the eventual marriage and collaboration between the one who provides and the one who seeks. Who knows? We might just well be the perfect spot in drawing in like-minded people in communication and interaction; just like you and your potential client. Are you able to picture both in the depiction above?
Are We A Truly Necessary Advertising?
Here at Netcessary Advertising SEO Singapore, we do high-level SEO marketing and lead generation for all businesses by ranking for the most important & competitive keywords in specific to your particular industry; that convert into leads and phone calls. We are the go-to choice for people looking for SEO marketing / lead generation companies in Singapore, whether you are a pest control service provider; an engineering company; or you may even be a freelance professional photographer looking to offer your services on your own website.
We promised to bring more potential customers right to your door step instead of having you to prospect directly to them. At this time of age where online web searches are steadily gaining a larger share of the pie in today’s direct marketing and advertising world, you can make a decision now to have a head start amongst your competitors in the same industry. And that in our opinion is not through Facebook ads; carrot dangling promotions; forums busking; or even paid advertisements on various application platforms where you may be spending tons; but nobody seems to be interested in what you may be promoting. And all this simply because you are posturing in front of the wrong crowd.
In our professional and unbiased view, SEO marketing; or having a SEO optimized website may just well be the key difference in drawing a steady stream of the right group; ready-to-spent customers to you and your company, on a daily basis. We at Netcessary Advertising SEO Singapore believe, beyond any reasonable doubt, about the good work that we are doing everyday: that SEO marketing is the key in bringing more potential customers to you and your businesses. And this is constantly proven with many of our clients and past projects we have handled. Regardless whether you are selling a physical product or offering a service that someone; somewhere out there requires, we promise to bring you to them; and them riding along the natural waves of SEO marketing to your doorstep. Your job is to focus on closing them and getting the sales; that's like handing the first piece of cheese to the front of a mouse. This is NOT JUST our opinion though, that's only what we see in our line of work everyday. Call us today or simply leave your contact details in our Quick Quote message box above/below NOW to see the change that you have always been chasing after. Chase NO MORE. We promise.
We promised to bring more potential customers right to your door step instead of having you to prospect directly to them. At this time of age where online web searches are steadily gaining a larger share of the pie in today’s direct marketing and advertising world, you can make a decision now to have a head start amongst your competitors in the same industry. And that in our opinion is not through Facebook ads; carrot dangling promotions; forums busking; or even paid advertisements on various application platforms where you may be spending tons; but nobody seems to be interested in what you may be promoting. And all this simply because you are posturing in front of the wrong crowd.
In our professional and unbiased view, SEO marketing; or having a SEO optimized website may just well be the key difference in drawing a steady stream of the right group; ready-to-spent customers to you and your company, on a daily basis. We at Netcessary Advertising SEO Singapore believe, beyond any reasonable doubt, about the good work that we are doing everyday: that SEO marketing is the key in bringing more potential customers to you and your businesses. And this is constantly proven with many of our clients and past projects we have handled. Regardless whether you are selling a physical product or offering a service that someone; somewhere out there requires, we promise to bring you to them; and them riding along the natural waves of SEO marketing to your doorstep. Your job is to focus on closing them and getting the sales; that's like handing the first piece of cheese to the front of a mouse. This is NOT JUST our opinion though, that's only what we see in our line of work everyday. Call us today or simply leave your contact details in our Quick Quote message box above/below NOW to see the change that you have always been chasing after. Chase NO MORE. We promise.
Get In Touch.Let's be open about this. We are here to sell you a service. I do not pretend that I am giving you a consultation out of goodwill or simply just because of us wanting to see your business flourished & be successful.
We are here to make sure our business stays viable and that said, in order for this to happen; we need to make 100% sure that your company is first getting the visibility on the internet space in the front & more leads through the back on the way out. The truth is there are simply no other two ways about this: unless we produce enough grade A leads for you to close, we probably will not be on your payroll for too long. If you are ready. Let's talk. 😎 |